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Himalayan Pink Salt / Rock Salt /  सेंधा नमक

Himalayan Pink Salt / Rock Salt / सेंधा नमक

PriceFrom ₹70.00
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Senda Namak (Himalayan rock salt)


Senda Namak, a type of salt, is formed when salt water from a sea or lake evaporates and leaves behind colorful crystals of sodium chloride. Mined in the foothills of the Himalayas, sendha namak, commonly termed rock salt, is found in plentiful concentrations, particularly in the Salt Range mountains of the Indo-Gangetic plains. This is situated in the Sindh region of the Northern Indian state of Punjab. Sendha namak is, undoubtedly, the purest type of rock salt in India. It is not chemically processed like table salt, does not have iodine and is hence, sold commercially in small quantities, being quite expensive. Moreover, table salt is crushed to a fine powder, whereas sendha namak has a granular texture, as huge, rough crystals, with a less saline taste.

Loaded with a multitude of beneficial components, such as 84 of the 92 naturally occurring minerals, sendha namak is a highly nutrient-dense ingredient. Besides predominantly being made up of sodium chloride, it also houses a plethora of vital minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen and cobalt. The use of this salt has been highly recommended in Ayurveda as it offers multiple health benefits.



Sendha Namak has great digestive stimulant properties and hence it improves digestion as well as appetite. Moreover, you can also use this salt to relieve stomachache and to cure stomach infections. All you need to do is add a few crystals of rock salt and fresh mint leaves to a glass of lassi – you will be ready to experience improved digestion.



As per experts, Sendha Namak helps in boosting metabolism within your body. Ultimately, you can experience your body functioning well. Furthermore, this salt contains all the trace minerals and takes your immunity to a new level. Rock salt fights bacteria and curbs illnesses.



Another benefit of including Sendha Namak in your diet is that you can have a stabilized blood pressure. If you are suffering from hypertension, then you should have rock salt instead of table salt.



Everyone yearns to have healthy skin, rock salt is an affordable and simple remedy for the same. Sendha Namak cleanses the skin and gets rid of clogged pores. To use this salt as a skin supplement, you can mix a tablespoon of Sendha Namak with your usual cleanser and use this mixture as a face wash.



If sinus is troubling you, then rock salt can prove helpful for you in mitigating this headache. Also, you can get relief from respiratory problems if you add this salt to your diet. Experts further recommend that gargling with Sendha Namak treats sore throat, dry cough as well as tonsils.



One of the major advantages you can have from using rock salt is that it can promote your hair health. Sendha Namak helps in removing dirt from your hair without stripping it off its natural healthy oils. To use this salt for hair, mix it in your shampoo and wash hair with the same mixture. Rinse with cold water to clean your hair.



Bleeding gums can give you lot of pain and you may also not be able to enjoy your favorite food. Rock salt can help you in treating bleeding gums as well. To get relief from the bleeding of gums, mix a teaspoon of rock salt with neem powder and triphala powder. Use one pinch of this mixture at a time to massage gums and rinse with water.


The bottom line

Sendha namak, or rock salt, has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to boost skin health and treat coughs, colds, and stomach conditions. While research on many of these benefits is lacking, rock salts offer trace minerals and may help treat sore throats and low sodium levels. If you’re interested in this colorful salt, be sure to use it in moderation, as excess intake may contribute to high blood pressure. You may also want to use it alongside other salts that have been fortified with iodine.




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